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Zhang Tao 张陶

Zhang Tao 张陶

French Horn Player 圆号演奏+

张陶,圆号演奏家,汉族,中央歌剧院国家一级演奏员。出生于北京的一个音乐家庭。5岁随母亲昶燕明学习钢琴,6岁开始以独奏钢琴登台表演并且受到英国首相卡拉汉的接见。11岁随父亲张振武教授学习圆号,1986年考入中央音乐学院附小,并且在这一年进入中国少年交响乐团。1987年升入附中,1993年升入大学本科并开始担任中国青年交响乐团首席,1994年开始在大学就读期间就担任中央广播交响乐团(现中国爱乐乐团)客座首席,1997年以优异的成绩本科毕业并获得学士学位,同年5月获得由文化部主办的全国第一届管乐室内乐比赛木管组第一名以及中国作品最佳表演奖。1997年7月进入中央歌剧院(China National Opera house )开始职业生涯至今,演出过中外歌剧超过50部,各种音乐会超过1000场。同台合作过的歌唱家有帕瓦罗蒂,多明戈,卡雷拉斯,波切利,杰西诺曼,弗莱明,曹秀美,乔治乌,里奥努齐等等,2012年开始兼任中国圆号学会会长助理。2017年受聘于武汉大学,任客座教授。

In the grand symphony of human creation, where each discipline interlaces with another, giving rise to a harmonious ensemble of expressions, there lies - a realm of unfettered creativity and exuberant dynamism. Drawing its name from the Mandarin term "Bukaopu", evocative of the unexpected, the improvised, it is a planet unto itself, a ceaseless cacophony of spontaneous artistic expression. From the swift flicker of a magician's hand to the deft flight of a juggler's throw, from the soaring notes of a singer's melody to the bold strokes of a painter's brush, it embraces all forms of art with equal fervor. At Bukaopu, every performance, every display, every artistic endeavor, is an unrepeatable moment in time, a unique interaction between creator and spectator, as ephemeral as it is enchanting. It is the world of the one-time experience, a living, breathing testament to the beauty of the unplanned, a world where the score is not written, but discovered in the very act of performance. Thus does Bukaopu stand, an embodiment of spontaneous human spirit, a beacon of creativity in the vast expanse of the world wide web.

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