Vadim Mazo
小提琴家 Violinist
Vadim Mazo was born in Minsk (Belarus), graduated from Vitebsk Music College and the Belarusian State Conservatory. From 1968 to 1980 he was a soloist with the Belarusian State Philharmonic and performed with Minsk Chamber Orchestra and Belarusian State Symphony Orchestra.
Vadim Mazo 出生于明斯克(白俄罗斯),毕业于维捷布斯克音乐学院和白俄罗斯国立音乐大学。1968年至1980年,Vadim Mazo参与白俄罗斯爱乐乐团独奏演出,与明斯克室内乐团及白俄罗斯交响乐团合作巡演。

In 1980 he moved to the United States. He worked in the State of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Conservatory, the University of Green Bay and other Midwestern universities in the United States. In 1983, he founded the Milwaukee String Players Chamber Orchestra. From 1987 to 2020 he was working as the professor at Illinois Wesleyan University. During this time, he was also a music director of symphony and chamber orchestras, conducting and performing as a violinist and violist. Professor Mazo was giving master classes in America, Asia and Europe, including France, Germany, England, Russia, China, Japan, Thailand, the Czech Republic, the Philippines, Greece, Italy, Belarus and other countries.
1980年,Vadim Mazo在美国威斯康辛州立音乐学院、威斯康辛大学格林洲分校和中西部大学等音乐院校任教。1983年,Vadim Mazo 组建密尔沃基弦乐演奏家室内管弦乐团(the Milwaukee String Players Chamber Orchestra)。1987年至2020年,担任美国伊利诺州卫斯理大学教授,期间身兼交响与室内乐团音乐指挥、小提琴与中提琴演奏。Vadim Mazo教授的大师课教学足迹遍布美亚欧,包括:法国、德国、英格兰、俄罗斯、中国、日本、泰国、捷克、菲律宾、希腊、意大利、白俄罗斯等国。
As an example of international cooperation, in 1993 he founded the international festival of musical arts “Ameropa” in Prague (Czech Republic, www.ameropa.org); participated in various international festivals as a performer, organizer and conductor. He performed at the Weill Recital Hall (one of the halls in Carnegie Hall) in New York with the program “Dedication to Shostakovich” (1992).
Vadim Mazo在推动国际交流合作方面成绩斐然。1993年,他在布拉格创立了“Ameropa”国际音乐艺术节(捷克共和国,www.ameropa.org);以演奏,组织和指挥的角色积极活跃于各大国际音乐节。1992年,Vadim Mazo在纽约卡内基音乐厅的威尔独奏厅演奏曲目“献给肖斯塔科维奇(Dedication to Shostakovich)”。
In the spring of 1999, Vadim Mazo conducted the Suk Chamber Orchestra at the Prague Spring International festival. Both as the founder of the project and composer “Homage to Abstractionism: Schoenberg and Kandinsky” (2010–2011), he participated in festivals in Brno, Munich, Vienna, Prague. He performed with the programme “Musical Bridges of Cultures” (2015) in the Central Conservatory in Beijing (China), where world premieres of musical pieces were performed jointly by European and Chinese musical instruments and international participants.
1999年春,Vadim Mazo在捷克春季国际音乐节上指挥苏克室内管弦乐队(Suk Chamber Orchestra)。2010年至2011年,作为“敬抽象主义:荀白克与康丁斯基(Homage to Abstractionism: Schoenberg and Kandinsky)”项目的创始人和作曲,Vadim Mazo 参加了在布尔诺、慕尼黑、维也纳、布拉格举办的音乐盛宴。2015年,在中央音乐学院(中国)主办的“文化的音乐桥梁”演奏会上,群英荟萃,中欧乐器相互交融,Vadim Mazo与各国艺术者们共奏天籁之音。
Facts about Vadim Mazo:
* is currently the Professor Emeritus of Music (Illinois Wesleyan University, USA)
* was visiting Professor at the Central Conservatory of music in Chengdu (Sichuan, China).
* is Head of International Council of Unovis Forum (Vitebsk, Belarus)
* is the Artistic Director and Founder of the International Festival of Musical Arts “Ameropa” (Prague, Czech Republic)
* is the Artistic Director of the International Festival “Musical Bridges” in Saint Petersburg (Russia).
Vadim Mazo 任职情况
* 美国伊利诺州卫斯理大学荣誉音乐教授
* 中国四川音乐学院客席教授(四川,中国)
* “新艺术倡导者”国际论坛主席(维捷布斯克,白俄罗斯)
* “Ameropa”国际音乐艺术节艺术总监、创始人(布拉格,捷克共和国)
* 圣彼得堡“音乐之桥”国际音乐节艺术总监(俄罗斯)
Professor V. Mazo is currently based in China, but is actively involved in the cultural life of various countries, especially his native Belarus, where he spent the last six months. His projects are aimed at cultural education, familiarizing people with the world’s cultural heritage, which can heal the soul and fill it with spiritual content. Engaged in music education, he is a permanent Chairman and member of the jury of international and regional competitions; he continues to share experience with young musicians, and is engaged in the development of creative talent in the gifted youth. He actively gives master classes in a number of countries, including online.
Vadim Mazo教授现居中国,并且与众多国家保持文化联系,尤其是他过去六个月的居住地——故乡白俄罗斯。他的项目致力于传播文化教育,希望以世界文化遗产感化人类,用精神产物慰疗灵魂,充盈人的精神世界。除了投身于音乐教育,他本人也是国际和区域性音乐赛事的常任主席与评委。他热衷于与年轻音乐家们分享经验,关注并推动少年时期创新能力的发展。此外,Vadim Mazo积极开设大师班(包括线上),其课程已遍布众多国家和地区。