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Michał Ciesielski

Composer/Pianist 作曲家/钢琴家

米哈尔·切谢尔斯基(Michał Ciesielski)是一位来自波兰格但斯克(Gdańsk)的爵士钢琴家,作曲家及编曲人,现居住于北京。他在波兰卡托维兹(Katowice)的爵士学校学习过一年,并以爵士作曲与爵士钢琴的硕士学位毕业于波兰的格但斯克音乐学院(Academy of Music in Gdańsk)。
米哈尔作曲过一百多首音乐作品,其中包括当代音乐,电影配乐,音乐剧,古典室内乐,交响乐,流行乐等等。他曾获得多个国内和国际的音乐比赛大奖,如:克日什托夫·柯梅达国际作曲大赛(the International Krzysztof Komeda Composition Competition),天空爵士音乐节(Big Sky Jazz Festival),RCK Pro爵士音乐节(RCK Pro Jazz Festival),School爵士音乐节(School & Jazz Festival),诺乌姆爵士音乐节(Novum Jazz Festival),欧洲爵士大赛(European Jazz Contest)等等。

Michał Ciesielski

除了担任了拥有三个录音室专辑以及超过一百场演出的“困惑计划”(Confusion Project)乐队的领队之外,米哈尔也活跃在很多其它团体,如:Ad Shave,Alicja Serowik四重奏, Visegrad Quintet五重奏,Tribute To Turnau, Gaba Janusz五重奏,Agnieszka Maciaszczyk五重奏。他也录制了两张个人专辑,名为《Between Black & White》(Between Black & White),《位置共享》(Share Location) 并出演个人音乐会。
米哈尔与很多的音乐人合作,如:Maciej Sikała, Piotr Lemańczyk, Dorota Miśkiewicz, Krystyna Prońko, Maciej Grzywacz, Marcin Gawdzis, Grzegorz Nagórski, Cezary Paciorek, Marcin Jahr, Brian Fentress, Oran Atkin 及 Rafał Sarnecki.

Michał Ciesielski

Michał Ciesielski is a composer, arranger and jazz pianist from Gdańsk, Poland, living in Beijing. He completed his studies in the Academy of Music in Gdańsk, where he received his master’s degree as a jazz composer and jazz pianist. He also studied for a year in the Institut of Jazz in Katowice.Composer of contemporary music, jazz, film and theatre music, musical, chamber and symphonic music as well as pop songs and many more. Apart from being the leader in Confusion Project, with which he recorded 3 albums and played numerous concerts around the world, Michał performs as a sideman in various jazz and pop projects. He also recorded two solo albums “Between Black & White” and "Share Location" and performs solo concerts. He collaborated with many musicians, such as: Maciej Sikała, Piotr Lemańczyk, Dorota Miśkiewicz, Krystyna Prońko, Maciej Grzywacz, Marcin Gawdzis, Grzegorz Nagórski, Cezary Paciorek, Marcin Jahr, Brian Fentress, Oran Atkin, Rafał Sarnecki, Stanisław Słowiński, Cezik, Victor Bastidas, Simona de Rosa. As a pianist Michał toured all around Poland as well as Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Nederlands, Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan.Since 2018 Michał is teaching jazz piano at Beijing Contemporary Music Academy and is an active member of both Polish and Chinese music scene.Selected venues and festivals:Baikal Waves, Irkutsk, RussiaGiant Steppes of Jazz, Ulanbaatar, MongoliaLa Plantation, Beijing, ChinaJZ Club, Shanghai, ChinaUsadba Jazz Festival, Moscow, RussiaKaliningrad City Jazz Festival, Kaliningrad, RussiaJazz Nad Odrą, Wrocław, PolandJazz w Ruinach, Gliwice, PolandJazz w Lesie, Sulęczyno, PolandNovum Jazz Festival, Łomża, PolandKomeda Jazz Festival, Słupsk, PolandJazz Jantar, Gdańsk, Poland 

Michał Ciesielski

In the grand symphony of human creation, where each discipline interlaces with another, giving rise to a harmonious ensemble of expressions, there lies - a realm of unfettered creativity and exuberant dynamism. Drawing its name from the Mandarin term "Bukaopu", evocative of the unexpected, the improvised, it is a planet unto itself, a ceaseless cacophony of spontaneous artistic expression. From the swift flicker of a magician's hand to the deft flight of a juggler's throw, from the soaring notes of a singer's melody to the bold strokes of a painter's brush, it embraces all forms of art with equal fervor. At Bukaopu, every performance, every display, every artistic endeavor, is an unrepeatable moment in time, a unique interaction between creator and spectator, as ephemeral as it is enchanting. It is the world of the one-time experience, a living, breathing testament to the beauty of the unplanned, a world where the score is not written, but discovered in the very act of performance. Thus does Bukaopu stand, an embodiment of spontaneous human spirit, a beacon of creativity in the vast expanse of the world wide web.

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