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Ballet Students from Goh Ballet

Goh Ballet

Since 1978, Vancouver, Canada has been home to Goh Ballet, a vibrant, innovative and diverse dance organization. Following the vision of its founders while expanding on current artistic aspirations, Goh Ballet pursues technical and artistic excellence while raising cultural awareness in our communities through dance instruction and performance productions. The Goh Ballet is synonymous with excellence, training talent and fostering the presentation of classical ballet. It provides extraordinary opportunities for dancers to reach their full potential, while contributing to the artistic well-being of our city and country. Goh Ballet is always at the forefront of the arts community.

自1978年起,加拿大GOH芭蕾舞学院,这个活力十足、敢于创新、丰富多彩的机构,就一直活跃在加拿 大温哥华。加拿大GOH芭蕾舞学院始终遵循创始人的宗旨,同时不断拓宽现有的艺术视野;追求技巧和 艺术的完美,并通过舞蹈指导、表演等提升当地的文化意识。加拿大GOH芭蕾舞学院现已成为完美卓越 的代名词,致力于培养芭蕾舞人才、展现古典芭蕾的魅力。加拿大GOH芭蕾舞学院为舞者们提供良机充 分实现其潜能,同时积极为温哥华乃至整个加拿大的艺术发展做出贡献。加拿大GOH芭蕾舞学院始终处 于艺术领域的前沿。

“A dance training institution in Vancouver that is recognized internationally for its prize winning students and sought after graduates.”


“一个因学生屡获大奖、毕业生供不应求而闻名全球的温哥华舞蹈培训机构。” ——加拿大《温哥华太阳报》

Goh Ballet Production

Chan Hon Goh 吴振红

Director 院长

Chan Hon Goh 吴振红
  • Honorary Doctorate, University of British Columbia (2020)

  • Outstanding Teacher, Youth America Grand Prix (2020)

  • Order of Canada (2019)

With an illustrious stage career that spanned over 20 years as Principal Dancer with the National Ballet of Canada, Ms. Goh is one of the most prolific and gifted artists of her generation. Her delicate lyricism and emotional depth personify the essence of numerous lead roles in the classical repertoire. She also had multiple ballets created for her. In 2010, Ms. Goh accepted the invitation to become Director of the Goh Ballet, to further her passion to inspire the dancers of tomorrow and to implement her values in providing students with opportunities to train with the world’s most sought after teachers. Extending her reach and always advocating for the arts, Ms. Goh serves as a jury member for international dance competitions. She guest instructs and sets choreography for some of the most renowned companies in the world. She is the Executive Producer of Goh Ballet’s critically acclaimed, annual presentation of The Nutcracker, which emphasizes the collaboration of multiple artistic disciplines and encourages a sense of tradition for families during the holiday season.

Ms. Goh is a founding member of Vancouver’s Arts and Culture Policy Council, which assists in giving the city a voice for the creative community. Her accomplishments, with irrepressible devotion to the enhancement of the cultural life of Canada, have garnered several prestigious awards including the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, the YWCA Women of Distinction Award and the New Pioneers Arts Award.

  • 不列颠哥伦比亚大学 (UBC)名誉博士学位 (2020)

  • 美国YAGP芭蕾舞大𡧳(2020)最佳教师奖

  • 加拿大勋章-国家最高荣誉 (2019)


担任加拿大国家芭蕾舞团首席演员20多年 来,吴女士是同时代最多才多艺、最具天赋 的艺术家之一。她以细腻丰富的抒情表达方 式,深刻演绎了诸多经典芭蕾舞剧主角。同 时,她还拥有多部为她量身打造的芭蕾舞剧 目。2010年,吴女士应邀成为加拿大GOH芭 蕾舞学院的院长,培养未来的芭蕾舞者,实现 自己的个人价值,让学生们有机会师从世界上 最著名的舞蹈教师,将自己对芭蕾的挚爱发挥 得更加淋漓尽致。作为国际舞蹈大赛的评委, 吴女士不断扩展自己的事业领域,为艺术摇旗 呐喊。她以嘉宾身份为一些全球最知名的公司 指导并编排舞蹈。她还担任加拿大GOH芭蕾 舞学院每年都上演的好评最高的剧目《胡桃夹 子》的监制,该剧目强调多个艺术流派的融 合,鼓励家庭在节假日期间回归传统。 此外,她还是温哥华艺术和文化政策委员会的创 始人之一,该委员会主要负责协助创意产业争取 更多权益。由于她的卓然成就,以及对提升加拿 大文化生活孜孜不倦的贡献,吴女士屡获殊荣, 包括伊丽莎白二世女王钻禧纪念奖章、YWCA杰 出女性奖,以及先驱者艺术奖等。


Bukaopu, a playful slang in Mandarin that translates to "Not relying on the score", implying quirky, unpredictable, and unorthodox. However, we've redefined it to celebrate the art of spontaneity and innovation. Join our merry band of artists who fearlessly explore the uncharted realms of bukaopuism, dancing to the whimsical tunes of life, and proudly declaring themselves card-carrying members of the Bukaopu movement! 🎭✨🕺 #Bukaopu

The Global Bukaopu Artists Collective

© 2022 by WDTSF.

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