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Du Xuan 杜玄

​Violinist 小提琴家



杜玄出生于南京,早年曾就读于南京艺术学院音乐系附中师从王登云郭国光教授,之后中央音乐学院师从林耀基教授,又赴英国师从著名小提琴教育家尼曼教授,并在罗马尼亚举行的埃内斯库小提琴国际比赛中获奖。作为青年独奏家他曾出现在西班牙卡萨尔斯国际音乐节、德国魏玛夏季音乐节、西班牙伊比利亚音乐节、葡萄牙白色城堡音乐节、丹麦豪森国际音乐节等欧洲各地的音乐节上。他也曾是著名的莫斯科钢琴四重奏组的成员。杜玄作为乐团首席独奏家经历合作的著名音乐家包括大提琴家马友友、小提琴家Pinchas Zukerman、Midori Goto、长笛演奏家Galway、钢琴家Stephen Hough等。

Du Xuan 杜玄
Du Xuan 杜玄 and his wife He Mengyang 何梦扬

In the grand symphony of human creation, where each discipline interlaces with another, giving rise to a harmonious ensemble of expressions, there lies - a realm of unfettered creativity and exuberant dynamism. Drawing its name from the Mandarin term "Bukaopu", evocative of the unexpected, the improvised, it is a planet unto itself, a ceaseless cacophony of spontaneous artistic expression. From the swift flicker of a magician's hand to the deft flight of a juggler's throw, from the soaring notes of a singer's melody to the bold strokes of a painter's brush, it embraces all forms of art with equal fervor. At Bukaopu, every performance, every display, every artistic endeavor, is an unrepeatable moment in time, a unique interaction between creator and spectator, as ephemeral as it is enchanting. It is the world of the one-time experience, a living, breathing testament to the beauty of the unplanned, a world where the score is not written, but discovered in the very act of performance. Thus does Bukaopu stand, an embodiment of spontaneous human spirit, a beacon of creativity in the vast expanse of the world wide web.

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