Zhu Dan 朱丹
小提琴家 Violinist
小提琴演奏家 享誉国际乐坛的小提琴家朱丹, 被最具权威的英国古典音乐杂志 [留声机] (Gramophone)称为“引领当今国际乐坛的中国杰出艺术家之一”, 指挥大师祖宾.梅塔高度评价他是“一流的音乐家及具有卓越才华的小提琴演奏家”, 著名的《斯特拉地》(The Strad)杂志称他为 “一位有着令人敬佩的谦逊和优美音色的艺术家”, 首位受邀在美国坦戈伍德, 奥地利萨尔茨堡, 瑞士维尔比耶世界三大顶级音乐节演奏独奏会的中国小提琴家. 其近期与波士顿交响乐团和指挥大师艾申巴赫合作纪念伯恩斯坦的音乐会, 及与祖宾.梅塔大师执棒的佛罗伦萨五月节日乐团合作的乐季开幕音乐会都获得国际乐评轰动式的称赞. 并授聘于国际知名音乐学府如芬兰西贝柳斯音乐学院, 美国普林斯顿大学, 曼哈顿音乐学院, 韩国首尔艺术大学, 香港演艺学院等教授大师班. 2015年末, 朱丹受邀联合国教科文组织, 为UNESCO成立70周年在其巴黎总部演奏庆典音乐会, 并被授予艺术大使.

朱丹18岁时即成功登台纽约卡内基音乐厅演奏了柴科夫斯基小提琴协奏曲, 随后其音乐会足迹遍及世界各地. 作为独奏家, 他经常出没于欧美顶级交响乐团的乐季演出, 如蒙特利尔, 波士顿, 温哥华, 美国国家, 德意志国家爱乐, 法国国立, 比利时国家管弦, 慕尼黑爱乐, 萨尔茨堡室内乐团, 维也纳室内乐团, 及与国内各大乐团的合作巡演, 并联手 Christoph Eschenbach, Philippe Entremont, Zubin Mehta, Jacek Kaspszyk, Uroš Lajovic, Gianandrea Noseda, Krzsystof Penderecki, Carl St. Clair, Jefferey Tate, 黄晓同, 张国勇, 汤沐海, 邵恩, 谭利华, 余隆, 林大叶, 吕嘉等国内外著名指挥家多次合作. 在2019-20乐季期间,朱丹将联手钢琴大师Gerhard Oppitz, 白建宇, Michel Dalberto分别在巴黎, 维也纳, 纽约等地的重要音乐厅和音乐节合作全套贝多芬奏鸣曲系列音乐会. 与郎朗, Gidon Kremer, Richard Goode, Natalia Gutman, Nobuko Imai, Mischa Maisky, Jean-Yves Thibaudet, Mitsuko Uchida等大师合作演绎室内乐作品. 爱乐者可以经常在世界各国主流电视广播媒体, 如:CCTV中央电视台, 加拿大广播电台CBC, 北德广播电台NDR, 法国国家广播电台France Musique, 意大利国家广播公司RAI, 日本广播协会NHK 中收听朱丹的演艺, 并被国际权威新闻传媒所赞誉, 如纽约时报, 德国世界报, 法国费加罗报等刊物. 作为录音艺术家, 朱丹已为Cascavelle, Naxos, CPO, 萨尔茨堡音乐节ORF等唱片品牌录制专辑, 他最新的两张世界首录唱片Boris Papandopulo小提琴协奏曲及与作曲家盛宗亮执棒苏州交响乐团录制他的小提琴协奏曲“飞飞歌” 专辑都于近期全球发行.
朱丹出生于北京, 四岁时由父亲启蒙培养学习小提琴, 师从中央音乐学院著名小提琴教育家王治隆教授. 9岁时随中日彩虹青少年友好访问团赴日本, 出色地演奏了门德尔松e小调小提琴协奏曲, 13岁进入中央音乐学院附中学习, 师从黄晓芝教授. 他 16岁荣获全额奖学金赴纽约曼尼斯音乐学院师从Lucie Robert教授, 并一直受到小提琴大师与教育家Ruggiero Ricci, Ivry Gitlis, Gerard Poulet, Aaron Rosand的关注和指教. 朱丹曾在诸多国际重大音乐赛事中获奖, 包括纽约沃尔多.梅约国际小提琴天才比赛金奖, 布鲁塞尔伊丽莎白皇后国际音乐比赛桂冠奖, 蒙特利尔, 仙台, 中国国际等. 朱丹擅长演奏的曲目广泛, 除古典名作之外, 他还与如George Benjamin, Gyorgy Kurtag, Gian Carlo Menotti, Krzysztof Penderecki, 叶小纲, 谭盾, 关峡等多位现代作曲大师同台演绎并录制他们的独奏和室内乐作品. 在他繁忙的音乐活动外, 朱丹还积极参与国际环保组织“南极论坛”远赴登陆南极的使命, 即成为史上首位在南极洲大陆上演奏的小提琴家, 并由凤凰卫视录制成纪录片. 了解更多关于朱丹的音乐动态, 请登录www.danzhumusic.com
Dan Zhu is widely recognized as one of the leading musicians of his generation on the international stage today, praised as “an artist of affecting humility and beautiful tone production” by The Strad magazine, performing internationally in North America, Europe, and Asia. His recent triumphant performance with the Boston Symphony at the Tanglewood Festival has been raved by the critics as "truly brilliant, compelling, and polished". He has appeared with world class orchestras under the direction of Maestros Christoph Eschenbach, Zubin Mehta, Philippe Entremont, Jacek Kaspszyk, Uroš Lajovic, Alexander Rahbari, En Shao, Carl St.Clair, Muhai Tang, Ralf Weikert, Long Yu among many others, and has been invited to perform and give master classes at renowned festivals, such as Salzburg Festspiele, Tanglewood, Verbier, Kuhmo, Marlboro, Enescu, Schleiswig-Holstein, PradesCasals, Ravinia, and Spoleto.
Dan Zhu’s recent seasons highlights of duo recitals with Christoph Eschenbach on Mozart and Beethoven sonatas at the Kennedy Center and at NCPA in Beijing; with pianist Gerhard Oppitz at Enescu Festival; with Kun Woo Paik on the complete Beethoven violin & piano sonata cycle worldwide; solo appearance includes with Zubin Mehta and the Orchestra Maggio Musicale Fiorentino; with Camerata Salzburg at the Salzburg Festspiele; with the Philadelphia Orchestra on Tan Dun’s concerto with the composer conducting the performance at Kimmel Center; Recital at Verbier Festival; gala concert for the 70 th anniversary of UNESCO in Paris; Tchaikovsky violin concerto with Tokyo Symphony Orchestra touring in China; Chamber music series at Théâtre des Champs-Elysées; K.A.Hartmann “Concerto Funebre” with Korean Chamber Orchestra at Seoul Arts Center; China premiere of Bright Sheng’s violin concerto “Let Fly” with the composer conducting Hong Kong Philharmonic; Symphony Orchestras of Boston, Belgrade, Hong Kong, New York, Munich, Paris, Vancouver, etc.
As an active chamber musician, he has collaborated with pianists Philippe Entremont, Peter Frankl, Richard Goode, Lang Lang, Jean-Yves Thibaudet, and other instrumentalists includes Joshua Bell, Henri Demarquette, Nobuko Imai, Mischa Maisky, Paul Meyer. His duo recitals with pianist Tzimon Barto in Hamburg was highly acclaimed by Die Welt as "distinctive dramaturgy of contrasts, crystalline tones with intensity and sensitivity", this season’s recital with pianist Michel Dalberto in Paris was praised as “sovereignty and freedom of Dalberto's
piano playing responds to the fluent subtlety of Dan Zhu at his very ease in the score of constantly renewed
imagination” by the Parisian press.
A native of Beijing, Zhu made his first public appearance at the age of nine, performing Mendelssohn’s violin concerto with the China Youth Chamber Orchestra. At age twelve he entered the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, where he studied with Xiao-zhi Huang. Four years later he was awarded the Alexis Gregory Scholarship to study with Lucie Robert at Mannes College of Music in New York. He made his Carnegie Hall debut with Tchaikovsky violin concerto at the age of eighteen. His mentors have included Ivry Gitlis, Gerard Poulet, and Aaron Rosand. As recording artist, Dan Zhu has appeared on several international labels, such as Cascavelle, CPO, Naxos, ORF. His latest world premiere recordings of Boris Papandopulo’s violin concerto and Bright Sheng’s chamber music album “Northern Lights” with the composer on the piano, both were released last year.
Dan Zhu has collaborated with numbers of the leading composers of our time on concert stages and in recordings, including George Benjamin, Gyorgy Kurtag, Krzysztof Penderecki, the late Gian-Carlo Menotti, Wolfgang Rihm, Tan Dun, Bright Sheng, and Xiaogang Ye. He is also an dedicated member of the Nature Conservancy and the Antarctic Forum in support of the environmental protection, have been on three expedition trips to the Antarctica, and the first violinist in the history performed on the continent in 2013. Follow Dan Zhu’s music world at www.danzhumusic.com