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Tracy Chen 陈雅涵

Tracy Chen 陈雅涵

Soprano 女高音歌唱家

Soprano Tracy Chen (陈雅函) is the Music Director of the School of International Art (SIA), a position she has held since 2017. Born in Beijing China, she received her first musical education at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, major in voice. She holds a master’s degree in Voice/Opera from the Manhattan School of Music, New York. Recent performances include Aranya Christmas Concert2019, Soloist in Beethoven 9th Symphony with Hartford Symphony Orchestra and First Gossip in

The Ghosts of Versailles.

Her opera credits include Die Zauberflöte (First

Spirit) with Central Conservatory of Music, Carmen

(Frasquita) with National Central of Performing Arts. Her solos include A Music Date with Tracy Chen in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Opera Festival with National Center of Performing Arts. She was an Award winner in The Gerda

Lissner Foundation International Competition in 2010.

She was also known as the “Singing Queen” of the TV show Fei Cheng Wu Rao (《⾮诚勿扰》). In October 2020, she will be the judge for “The Golden Starts” International Music Competition of Valencia.

In the grand symphony of human creation, where each discipline interlaces with another, giving rise to a harmonious ensemble of expressions, there lies - a realm of unfettered creativity and exuberant dynamism. Drawing its name from the Mandarin term "Bukaopu", evocative of the unexpected, the improvised, it is a planet unto itself, a ceaseless cacophony of spontaneous artistic expression. From the swift flicker of a magician's hand to the deft flight of a juggler's throw, from the soaring notes of a singer's melody to the bold strokes of a painter's brush, it embraces all forms of art with equal fervor. At Bukaopu, every performance, every display, every artistic endeavor, is an unrepeatable moment in time, a unique interaction between creator and spectator, as ephemeral as it is enchanting. It is the world of the one-time experience, a living, breathing testament to the beauty of the unplanned, a world where the score is not written, but discovered in the very act of performance. Thus does Bukaopu stand, an embodiment of spontaneous human spirit, a beacon of creativity in the vast expanse of the world wide web.

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