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侯乃垠 Jerry Hou

侯乃垠 Jerry Hou

青年小提琴家侯乃垠,四岁由父亲侯相淋与祖父侯俊卿启蒙开始学习小提琴,六岁便登台演奏,在随其父长达八年的学琴岁月中,奠定了扎实的基础。2007年,侯乃垠移民加拿大多伦多,随后与多伦多室内乐团小提琴家Martin Bazarian学习深造。2013年,侯乃垠遇到海菲兹的第三代传人,台湾小提琴家曾耿元,并随其获得了在美国皮博迪音乐学院学习的机会,获得本科与研究生文凭。在校期间曾与多名世界顶级小提琴家交流学习。2019年就职于巴吞鲁日交响乐团与Acadiana 交响乐团担任小提琴手。同年以全额奖学金进入路易斯安那州立大学攻读博士学位。

在多年的提琴人生中,侯乃垠曾多次参加比赛获奖,如Kiwanis music Competition, 安大略音乐节小提琴比赛,荣获第一名。2011年曾获安大略省级室内乐赛第一名。在美国期间,曾多次举办个人独奏会,与四重奏音乐会,并在华盛顿室内乐团,皮博迪交响乐团等多个乐团担任小提琴手。在不断的成长中,侯乃垠积攒了深厚的独奏,乐团,与室内乐重奏的演奏经验。2017年曾亲自组建了Vivace 弦乐四重奏,并在美国,中国多地举办音乐会,被大提琴家Michael Kannen誉为声音最独特的青年四重奏组合。2018 年随其恩师曾耿元赴欧洲奥地利举办音乐会。他还和多位著名指挥家一起合作过,例如Marin Alsop, Edward Polochick, Leonard slatkin, 和Leon Fleisher. 

In the grand symphony of human creation, where each discipline interlaces with another, giving rise to a harmonious ensemble of expressions, there lies - a realm of unfettered creativity and exuberant dynamism. Drawing its name from the Mandarin term "Bukaopu", evocative of the unexpected, the improvised, it is a planet unto itself, a ceaseless cacophony of spontaneous artistic expression. From the swift flicker of a magician's hand to the deft flight of a juggler's throw, from the soaring notes of a singer's melody to the bold strokes of a painter's brush, it embraces all forms of art with equal fervor. At Bukaopu, every performance, every display, every artistic endeavor, is an unrepeatable moment in time, a unique interaction between creator and spectator, as ephemeral as it is enchanting. It is the world of the one-time experience, a living, breathing testament to the beauty of the unplanned, a world where the score is not written, but discovered in the very act of performance. Thus does Bukaopu stand, an embodiment of spontaneous human spirit, a beacon of creativity in the vast expanse of the world wide web.

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